Monday, March 6, 2017

BanDai Power Rangers (Toys R Us exclusive Legacy Collection: Movie figures)

Go/Go Power Rangers...That theme song has been kicking around in my head since the announcement and first trailer hit our nostalgic eyes and ears.

The looks are very different in line with wanting to create an updated serious take. So gone are the spandex onesies and in are the Iron Man/Transformers inspired alien suits. The trailer looks really cool and fun and I'm surprised how much the new take pays homage to what made the original a fun trip.

Bandai has released various toys and action figures to coincide with the film's release. This is the only set of figures (that I know of) that are in the 6" scale and are fully articulated. It also looks like they are exclusive to Toys R Us stores (wonder how they pulled that off?).

Monday, February 27, 2017

NECA 1/4 Scale TMNT Donatello (90's Movie version)

 The original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie is PERFECTION in my mind.

 For a kid who was obsessed with the lean green fighting teens, the release of a live action Ninja Turtles film was a dream come true.

Of course the film was a huge success adding to the phenomenon that is the TMNT property. It's still regarded by many as THE BEST Ninja Turtles film still to this day.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Bandai Sprukits: Batman (Arkham City version)

Snap on model kits aren't a new thing in the collector community, but a lot of them you would have to either paint them, glue them, and in the end most were just glorified statues. Not the case with these Sprukits from Bandai.

What Bandai has done was design snap on kits that after put together create fully articulated figures with accessories! There are 3 different level versions, level 1 being easy, 2 medium, and 3 difficult.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Marvel Legends 12" Spider-Man

'Spider-Man, Spider-Man! Does whatever a spider can...'

Does he? Does he, really? Those of us who've collected Marvel Legends for a long time will remember that back in the day, when Toy Biz produced Marvel Legend figures (before Hasbro got the license), there was a line of 12" Marvel Legends-like figures known as Marvel Legends Icons. They were really great with fantastic sculpting and a ton of articulation like their 6" predecessor.

I don't think the 12" scale caught on because most people wanted to expand their 6" collection. Also, at the time the 12" scale market wasn't what it is today.

Impulse Buys-Part 3 (the final chapter...for now)

Well, here's the final part of this 3 part blog entry of my impulse buys. If you need to see what the criteria was to be listed, it's found in part 2.

 Video Game figures

I'm looping in 'Movies based on video games' here since to me they are kinda in the same thought.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Impulse Buys part 2

Continuing the theme of things I've bought in the past that I either A) realized I should have never bought them in the first place and in turn sold them off or B) still have and have no room for them in my main collection that they got sent to the basement bin abyss.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Movie and comic sets-3 3/4")

I tend to get caught up in the hype of movies...a lot! Most comic book films that have an associated toy line will get my attention and 9 times out of 10 I'm buying some action figure or toy associated with it.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Impulse Buys (Part 1)

The life of a collector in this hobby has a lot of ups and a heck of a lot of downs. Sometimes there are moments where we're overwhelmed with product and it takes us all down a route of overspending while trying to keep up with various lines we collect.

Sometimes we collect too many lines that it ends up not being fun because you don't have the time to enjoy what you have because you're busting your tail trying to get that missing item in your various collections.

Then there are those moments where there is nothing out. You're up to date with your collections and you're now in the lull where you need something to entertain you but you have everything at the moment. Then you go outside of what you normally collect to fill that void. Falling into that trap happens in so many ways too.
1) You can either see something that someone else owns and think 'that's pretty cool, I may want that' even if it doesn't fit with anything you collect.
2) I've know collectors who've gotten caught in the hysteria where there's a MUST HAVE figure, everyone is getting it, 'I don't want to be left out' so you take the plunge. Lastly
3) It's on CLEARANCE. I've bought many things that I don't generally collect just because it goes on clearance and I think that I could use it for other things.

IMPULSE BUYS are triggered by anyone of the 3 criteria mentioned above.

So here is Part 1 of things that are currently in my collection that I've either used once and relegated it to the dreaded 'basement', or that I purchased and no longer have knowing it never was really meant for me.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Disney Store Exclusive: Star Wars Elite (1/6th scale)

With so much Star Wars merchandise out there it's hard for something new to really catch my attention. The Black Series did so by producing 6" figures (the scale I mostly collect) instead of the normal 3 3/4" figures from days of old, which meant more articulation, better accessories, and more detailed sculpts. Now my attention is caught again when I saw that Disney Stores are producing a line of 1/6th scale figures for a line called 'Star Wars Elite Series'.

So far they only produced Rey, Kylo Ren, Krennic, a Death Trooper, Jyn Erso, Princess Leia, and Darth Vader. I went with the greatest baddie of all time, in Darth Vader and Rey from the Force Awakens (I thought her character was a breath of fresh air) as my two first purchases.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Funko Pops-The Top 3 'Wish List'

If you're not familiar with Funko Pop! Vinyls or even seen them, then your finger is so far from the pulse of life that I can't help you. Well maybe I can help
Check them out here and do some homework:

Funko has made Pop! collectibles for so many properties anywhere from movies, television, comics, music, anime and more. The shear volume of already produced Pop! figures is astronomical.

 If there's something that you're really into or a big fan of, I would bet that there's a 95% chance that there are Pop! Vinyl figures for people or characters of that fandom either already made or on the docket for being made. But...

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Revoltech Stitch

I'm a Stitch guy

If anyone were to ask me who my absolute favorite Disney character is, the answer is Stitch. It's probably the fact that those first teaser trailers for his film reminded me of Disney's version of Deadpool (with the 4th wall breaking and strange libido)

you can check out the teaser trailers here: 

I even brought a Stitch POP! Vinyl figure with me to my first visit to Disney World and captured him in great photos with other characters

Best vacation ever! Anyways...

Monday, January 16, 2017

The Batcave (Batman V Superman Walmart Exclusive)

Everyone that loves Batman knows that in order to have the essential Batman collection you're not only going to need the core characters, but your also going to need the Batmobile and of course a Batcave. Now getting the figures and the car are doable, but for years toy companies have shied away from making play sets (parents don't want to spend the money; stores don't want to take up so much shelf space).

Square Enix Play Arts Kai: Metal Gear Solid Meryl

Wow that title was a mouthful.
Here's one of my favorite female action figures in my collection.

Friday, January 13, 2017

The Predator line (NECA)

‘Get to da choppa!’
Gotta love classic Arnie movies. But what I love most about Predator is, in fact, the star of the film…the Predator! How sick was that creature? The movie was so great as a kid on so many levels. First you don’t see the creature for over an hour. Then when you do see him, you don’t because he uses an invisibility ‘cloak’ created from his technical apparatus. Then when you finally see what he looks like, he’s all imposing in the armor, shoulder gun, and wrist blades. I mean INTIMIDATING!

 Then when he goes to fight Arnold man to…um…man(?) he takes the helmet off and shows his mug…butt ugly and scary all at the same time. And then he laughs in the face of death…gah! I love that movie.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-the toy that started it all

Retro Review:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles…Heroes in a half shell, Turtle Power! I LOVE Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. No property had ever consumed my childhood more than Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Superman has always been a staple and He-Man was the first childhood toy obsession, but that still didn’t come close to that time period between the end of 2nd grade all the way through 3rd grade where every and I mean everything was Turtles. I had the toys, clothing, trading cards, cereal, fruit snacks, turtles pies (which I miss so much)…it didn’t end.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Mezco One:12 Collective The Dark Knight Returns Batman (Mezco Direct Exclusive)

I wrote this review 1.5 years ago but since I'm on a Batman kick and I'm lazy, I'm republishing it here:

Greatest 6” Batman eveeeerrrr!

‘Game-changer’. That’s the term being tossed around when describing what is now considered in many circles to be the BEST Batman figure ever created in the 6” scale. It’s appropriate that this ‘game-changing’ figure is based on the ‘game-changing’ Batman storyline, ‘The Dark Knight Returns’ by Frank Miller. The book came at a time where comic books sales were in a slump and portrayals of Superheroes were seen as punch-lines or hokey (look at the Adam West ‘Batman’ TV series).

LOVE! I used to draw that image in my school notebook constantly. My love for Batman: The Animated Series is deep. Probably borderline eyebrow raising. It was the cartoon that made me truly love animation as an art form. Bruce Timm's designs and the art-deco work of the environment ushered in a new era for animation. It felt retro all while feeling new and fresh.

Beautiful! The series ushered in other animation greats like Superman, Justice League (Unlimited), and more. I've always wanted quality action figure representations of the characters in my collection but always assumed that would never happen until DC Collectibles started to produce them. And they are amaze-balls!

Hot Toys Deadpool (Movie version)

Doesn't that look like a promo shot from the movie?! I love when people go 'whoa, that's really a toy?' (and then I 'geekly' reply back with a snarky 'it's an adult collectible' or 'it's not a toy it's an action figure' or if I really like you, 'Wordness to the Turdness'. Hey we always have to defend our own hobbies).

Fellow nerds, geeks, collectors and those that may have stumbled upon this by accident; some of you may know me as DEADPOOLISTHEMAN316 from various action figure community forums (you can check out a feature on me here ). Some may know me as Latinninja from the social media arena (you can scope out some of my work here ). Some may just know me as Emilio. For those not in the know, I'm a collector and geek. I've been a comic book fan from the tiny age of 5 and for 30 years (eesh!) I've been collecting anything and everything from that genre (comics, action figures, etc). To say I'm an enthusiast would be a huge understatement. This stuff is my life.

With that, I decided to start a blog and just showcase some of my things, maybe review some others, or just let people have free admission to the inner workings of my mind-hole.

So just kick back and enjoy (hopefully).