Everyone that loves Batman knows that in order to have the essential Batman collection you're not only going to need the core characters, but your also going to need the Batmobile and of course a Batcave. Now getting the figures and the car are doable, but for years toy companies have shied away from making play sets (parents don't want to spend the money; stores don't want to take up so much shelf space).
Castle Grayskull
Thankfully, recently, there's been a resurgence and different brands are creating playsets for people's collections and it's adding so much value and pizzazz!
Top level: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Sewer Lair
Lower level: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Sewer Lair
Because they are so big, the prices reflect that, making it a hard sell to not only parents but collectors alike. But there are ways around that by waiting for sales and clearance deals. The Batcave retailed at $99. Walmart dropped the price to $88 around the holidays. My patience paid off and I was able to score it at under $50 (and it's well worth it)
As you can see, this needed a lot of assembly and patience to put together. Lots of pieces to the build the thing, along with the dreaded sticker sheet (no matter how slow and methodical I try to be I always place these things slightly cooked)
The end result is pretty great! The thing is bigger than the sewer lair and I was amazed by how big the sewer lair was when I first put that one together!
There are a ton of neat items that go along with the Batcave. The set includes a neat mobile work bench, punching bag (Superman designed), extra weapons (Love that!), displayed armor that the bonus figure can wear (yes, it comes with an exclusive 'Bruce Wayne' figure). There's also an elevator, zip-line and various trap doors. This thing packs a punch and has a great amount variety which is awesome to have.
There's also plenty of room if you want to deck out your Batcave with any Bat-Extras you may have. Collectors will also love that any form of 6" scale figures can be used with this set. It give this thing some mileage which adds to the value.
Overall, this was an amazing purchase. It's great even at the full retail price, but at the clearance value it's beyond measure how great this thing is. It may take up a load of space and that might be a deal breaker but try and figure out room because this is more than worth your money and effort making room for giant Batcave. Isn't this a dream to have for any Bat-collector?
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