Thursday, January 12, 2017

LOVE! I used to draw that image in my school notebook constantly. My love for Batman: The Animated Series is deep. Probably borderline eyebrow raising. It was the cartoon that made me truly love animation as an art form. Bruce Timm's designs and the art-deco work of the environment ushered in a new era for animation. It felt retro all while feeling new and fresh.

Beautiful! The series ushered in other animation greats like Superman, Justice League (Unlimited), and more. I've always wanted quality action figure representations of the characters in my collection but always assumed that would never happen until DC Collectibles started to produce them. And they are amaze-balls!

It's like they've stepped out of my TV set! DC Collectibles have some great sculpters on staff and you can see that this line is a labor of love for them.

With great sculpts, great paint work, great articulation and accessories galore, what more can you want from a collector line like this? In-scale vehicles you say?

I can't express enough how much I love this line. Not only does it hold a special place in my heart because of the cartoon I love but it also helps to hold a special spot in my heart knowing that 75% of this line that's in my collection was purchased for me by my wife (shout out brownie points?)

The great team at It' has an awesome comprehensive checklist found at this link

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