Monday, March 6, 2017

BanDai Power Rangers (Toys R Us exclusive Legacy Collection: Movie figures)

Go/Go Power Rangers...That theme song has been kicking around in my head since the announcement and first trailer hit our nostalgic eyes and ears.

The looks are very different in line with wanting to create an updated serious take. So gone are the spandex onesies and in are the Iron Man/Transformers inspired alien suits. The trailer looks really cool and fun and I'm surprised how much the new take pays homage to what made the original a fun trip.

Bandai has released various toys and action figures to coincide with the film's release. This is the only set of figures (that I know of) that are in the 6" scale and are fully articulated. It also looks like they are exclusive to Toys R Us stores (wonder how they pulled that off?).

The set comes with all 5 members and Alpha 5 (the robot assistant of Zordon. That's worth a Google). Since all the male figures share the same body mold (minus the different helmets) and the females do the same, I'm only going to showcase one of each along with Alpha, who is a complete sculpt of his own.

The packaging is similar to the previous Power Rangers Legacy figures. It showcases an image of the characters from the film, except Alpha 5 for some reason. The Red Rangers steals his thunder.

The sculpts are great and very detailed. They film designs really showcase that these suits are of alien origin.

Unfortunately there isn't a lot of paint apps or washes used and this leaves the figure looking more like a toy instead of a collectible as it is intended.

As mentioned earlier, the helmets are all different sculpts and they did incorporate the 'dinosaur' element that the initial team had.
My biggest complaint about the sculpt is that the wrist joints look odd. I appreciate that they wanted to incorporate more articulation in that spot but there could have been a better way to do so without breaking the sculpt too much

Articulation on the male and female rangers are for the most part good. The male don't have any bicep cuts and that tends to make posing more difficult but no real issues with the ladies.

Alpha 5 looks the most different from his predecessor. He's more alien in design and less 1930's metal alien (aka guy in a suit)

The Alpha 5 figure is an interesting choice to round out the set. I would have imagined the Power Rangers' nemesis, Rita, before Alpha 5 but I guess he's a fan favorite.

His sculpt is great but he suffers from the same issues as the rest of the line where the lack of paint hurts the figure. If he had a wash and brought out the sculpt details it would have added to the overall value.

Articulation is weaker on him but that's probably based on the design. Also Alpha 5 was never a ninja or anything like that so not having too much movement on him isn't as big a deal

Each Ranger and Alpha comes with a piece of the Megazord (Giant Robot they use to fight Giant Monsters...again, worth a Google).

The Red Ranger also comes with a energy blade accessory. Unfortunately none of the other rangers have weapons. Maybe they don't have weapons. I remember it took several episodes for them to even gain any weapons.

Here are the other rangers. They are still in package but I'll have them out once I review the Megazord build a figure when we get closer to the film release.

Overall, if I were to grade these figures I would give them a B (maybe B+). They look great in the package but once they are out there are a lot of things missing that keep them from being great.

  They are fun though and they look great together as a team. They do increase my excitement for the film and the fact that they are exclusive means they won't be around long.

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