Monday, March 6, 2017

BanDai Power Rangers (Toys R Us exclusive Legacy Collection: Movie figures)

Go/Go Power Rangers...That theme song has been kicking around in my head since the announcement and first trailer hit our nostalgic eyes and ears.

The looks are very different in line with wanting to create an updated serious take. So gone are the spandex onesies and in are the Iron Man/Transformers inspired alien suits. The trailer looks really cool and fun and I'm surprised how much the new take pays homage to what made the original a fun trip.

Bandai has released various toys and action figures to coincide with the film's release. This is the only set of figures (that I know of) that are in the 6" scale and are fully articulated. It also looks like they are exclusive to Toys R Us stores (wonder how they pulled that off?).

Monday, February 27, 2017

NECA 1/4 Scale TMNT Donatello (90's Movie version)

 The original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie is PERFECTION in my mind.

 For a kid who was obsessed with the lean green fighting teens, the release of a live action Ninja Turtles film was a dream come true.

Of course the film was a huge success adding to the phenomenon that is the TMNT property. It's still regarded by many as THE BEST Ninja Turtles film still to this day.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Bandai Sprukits: Batman (Arkham City version)

Snap on model kits aren't a new thing in the collector community, but a lot of them you would have to either paint them, glue them, and in the end most were just glorified statues. Not the case with these Sprukits from Bandai.

What Bandai has done was design snap on kits that after put together create fully articulated figures with accessories! There are 3 different level versions, level 1 being easy, 2 medium, and 3 difficult.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Marvel Legends 12" Spider-Man

'Spider-Man, Spider-Man! Does whatever a spider can...'

Does he? Does he, really? Those of us who've collected Marvel Legends for a long time will remember that back in the day, when Toy Biz produced Marvel Legend figures (before Hasbro got the license), there was a line of 12" Marvel Legends-like figures known as Marvel Legends Icons. They were really great with fantastic sculpting and a ton of articulation like their 6" predecessor.

I don't think the 12" scale caught on because most people wanted to expand their 6" collection. Also, at the time the 12" scale market wasn't what it is today.

Impulse Buys-Part 3 (the final chapter...for now)

Well, here's the final part of this 3 part blog entry of my impulse buys. If you need to see what the criteria was to be listed, it's found in part 2.

 Video Game figures

I'm looping in 'Movies based on video games' here since to me they are kinda in the same thought.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Impulse Buys part 2

Continuing the theme of things I've bought in the past that I either A) realized I should have never bought them in the first place and in turn sold them off or B) still have and have no room for them in my main collection that they got sent to the basement bin abyss.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Movie and comic sets-3 3/4")

I tend to get caught up in the hype of movies...a lot! Most comic book films that have an associated toy line will get my attention and 9 times out of 10 I'm buying some action figure or toy associated with it.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Impulse Buys (Part 1)

The life of a collector in this hobby has a lot of ups and a heck of a lot of downs. Sometimes there are moments where we're overwhelmed with product and it takes us all down a route of overspending while trying to keep up with various lines we collect.

Sometimes we collect too many lines that it ends up not being fun because you don't have the time to enjoy what you have because you're busting your tail trying to get that missing item in your various collections.

Then there are those moments where there is nothing out. You're up to date with your collections and you're now in the lull where you need something to entertain you but you have everything at the moment. Then you go outside of what you normally collect to fill that void. Falling into that trap happens in so many ways too.
1) You can either see something that someone else owns and think 'that's pretty cool, I may want that' even if it doesn't fit with anything you collect.
2) I've know collectors who've gotten caught in the hysteria where there's a MUST HAVE figure, everyone is getting it, 'I don't want to be left out' so you take the plunge. Lastly
3) It's on CLEARANCE. I've bought many things that I don't generally collect just because it goes on clearance and I think that I could use it for other things.

IMPULSE BUYS are triggered by anyone of the 3 criteria mentioned above.

So here is Part 1 of things that are currently in my collection that I've either used once and relegated it to the dreaded 'basement', or that I purchased and no longer have knowing it never was really meant for me.